
We’ve all been there. You’re headed to a date with a new person, happy as a lamb adopted by a vegetarian farmer. You wear your Sunday best even though it’s not Sunday. You get your hair did. You even whip out a little perfume or cologne. You arrive, wait for him or her, and they show up looking completely different than they did online. Or they look exactly like you thought they would, you hang for a bit, but only to realize there’s zero chemistry there. Most of the time, people have an exit strategy already mapped out in preparation for such cases. But what to do when it’s March in the big apple and it’s storming outside like Christmas with a vengeance? Below you’ll find some expert tips on how to survive any bad date situation when you’re trapped like the family in The Shining!
1. When you’re not attracted, but they’re pretty interesting
One of the best things about this city is that there is always something going on, and the people are so damn interesting. You’re on your date, and you soon realize this person is as nice as you imagined, but the attraction’s just not there. How can you make the best of it? Treat the date as a learning experience. Everyone has a story. Find out what their interests are and ask them to school you in something new; this newfound knowledge can possibly add to your own repertoire of conversation topics when you finally find the right date. Someone will always know something you don’t; whether it’s useful or useless, well, that’s up to you!

2. When you’re not attracted, but they seem like someone you’d hang with
Most would say that the Katz’s Deli scene is the most memorable scene in When Harry Met Sally, but long before Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan decided to just be friends, they had another memorable (and contradictory) conversation about the possibilities of friendship between men and women. While yes, it may appear that friendships between men and women tend to be a tricky undertaking, it is very doable. If you soon realize your “date” would be better off hanging in the friend zone, a good conversation segue is to inquire about some of their own past date horror stories; this works especially well if either of you have met online. Hey, if anything, they make for a good laugh. Everyone’s got a dating horror story. Drop in little blurbs about how it’s unfortunate that some dates don’t work out, but that you have a good date-to-friend conversion record.

3. If it’s love at first sight… with someone else
Love can happen at any time, any place, even while on a date with another person. If you’re like most people you probably have the respect enough to finish out your date, say goodbye, but unfortunately spend the rest of your days wondering what could have been with that interesting person who caught your eye across the bar. Well you, dear reader, are a New Yorker and want to avoid heading back out into the slushy streets. This is one of those situations where bad weather will actually work in your favor. If you have to reject your date and absolutely speak to your future spouse that night, tell them simply, but firmly that you really don’t think it is working. If that doesn’t work, you can always channel Robin Williams and tell them that you “had to see about a girl/guy.” While you may be labeled their worst date ever, you now put yourself in the position to quite possibly have your best.

And there you have it. From the “just not that into you situation” to the god-awful, you are now officially dating weather-proof!

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