
Let’s face it there are really no new ideas just reinvented old ones. So the news that the abbreviation OMG is so last century should not surprise anyone. The term short for “Oh my God.”‘  was first used in a letter to Winston Churchill in 1917. In the note written by Admiral. John Arbuthnot Fisher he told Churchill. “I hear that a new order of Knighthood is on the tapis – O.M.G. (Oh! MY! God!) – Shower it on the Admiralty.” Fisher was a celebrated officer in the Royal Navy though he eventually resigned after clashing with Churchill. In addition to his abbreviation ability, Fisher no doubt also had a great command of Morse Code.

Today, OMG is frequently used while texting, but while the Admiral didn’t own a cell phone, or even have a facebook page and Twitter account, he was certainly way ahead of the text language curve. Abbreviations are after all nothing new. Think about it.C.I.A, NYPD, MI6, DC, NYC, and the list goes in. Though there are some pre – text generation people who believe the term LOL stand for Lots of Love and not Laugh Out Loud that’s OK. OMG was around in 1917. So if you’ve only picked up on the term in the past 5 years then how hip are you? Tweet that!  2bcont’d!

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