
People Everywhere It’s impossible to be a total hermit in NYC. Sure you could hide in your hovel and order Seamless while watching Netflix until the end of time, but even then you’d have to interact with the delivery person – and if you’re actually a participating member of society, you can’t go anywhere without… Read more »


I have two good things to report: It’s fall. I got a radio. Considering the fact that I’ve always wanted to be the type of person who wears oversized wool sweaters and listens to NPR, I’ve made quite a dent in my bucket list. I can take no credit, of course, for the weather. Summer in New… Read more »


Most people think summer is the best time to travel. Are they nuts? Kids are out of school, planes are packed, temperatures are hot and tempers are short. Give me fall travel any day. Remember all of those flights you were trying to book this spring or early summer and fares (along with gas prices)… Read more »