
New York City’s newly appointed Mayor Bill de Blasio, and crowned City Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito, both progressive liberals have corroborated on Blasio’s political agenda to expand a legislation allowing sick-days to more that 300,000 workers. An enactment that requires businesses with over five or more employees to provide a minimum of five paid sick days annually.

The bill was first proposed by the City Council, an ordinance that came after a protracted political battle with Christine Quinn the former Council Speaker. A bill vetoed by the Former Mayor Bloomberg who claimed it’s deleterious effect would have an egregious impact on the economy. Ironically enough, in the midst of Bloomberg’s castigation he admitted that the extended paid sick leave to workers was a laudable gesture, but the adverse effect would stifle small businesses and hurt job creation.

The City Council voted a 45-3 unanimous approve measure, enough to override the Mayors veto, making New York the fifth city to enact a mandated paid sick days law effective April 2014. Bill de Blasio being the 109th newly appointed Mayor in office extended the bills platform, a provision that mandates employers to pay workers a minimum of five paid sick-days annually.

Critics said the government’s interjection between employers and employees in the workplace may serve as a workers benefit but hinder small-businesses. Advocates pejoratively contrasted the argument saying that the discrepancy between workers financial and physical health is an employers obligation.

A business owner is now mandated to substitute a worker that takes an impromptu sick day, leaving the owner to scramble for an immediate replacement, doubling his budget for the same project. If this compulsion is implemented over a minimum of 20 employees his expenditure will exceed exponentially, and if the annual revenue remains the same the profits from his gross sales will decrease. A growth that will inevitably hinder smaller businesses in the longevity!

Atelston Fitzgerald Holder 1st, Writer, Journalist & Lecturer Please Visit Official Website Appeared on over 20 different Cable & TV Networks.
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One Response to “New York City Mayor Expands Sick Day Law”

  1. ymbhweorfnes

    Small businesses are the life blood of an economy. Progressive liberals will gradually heap more and more regulations onto them, until you reach the tipping point when small business owners give up taking on people or even get rid of them as they can’t handle onerous regulations.

    Flexibility in the marketplace is key for small businesses to survive and expand. And it is still possible to have sensible worker’s rights too. In the progressive liberal world, they try to apply corporatism to everyone and it just doesn’t work out. The UK has suffered this fate, don’t let it happen in the US!


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