
“A career is wonderful thing, but you can’t snuggle up to it on a cold night.” ~Marilyn Monroe   I remember coming across this quote somewhere online years ago and it struck me. And it struck me probably because I had just got done watching some random re-run of Sex and the City and realized something… Read more »


I understand a Harmonica being stolen, even a Tambourine, I could also accept a violin, but how does someone steal a Grand Piano from a New York City apartment? If nothing else, it’s certainly a scenario that puts the “I did’t see anything” defense on it’ s face. Yet, if you ask South Korean music… Read more »


Many of the millennial stereotypes are there, and they never fail to make a twenty-four-year-old college graduate chuckle even if the content may occasionally be simplistic and reductive. Much like Lena Dunham’s debut feature film Tiny Furniture, the television show seeks to comment on the current generation of sometimes underemployed but always self-consciously individualistic recent… Read more »


With Ipad and I phone thefts on the rise NYPD have created a task force to combat crimes involving Apple products. The partnership between Apple and the NYPD will undoubtedly take a bite at the increasing theft of Apple products in New York. Apple does not typically get involved in the retrieval of stolen goods,… Read more »


It can’t be easy being Alec Baldwin as he faces allegations of a hate crime from a new York Post photographer. Yet, again just the simple task of having breakfast comes with a media frenzy. Today, the former 30 Rock Star decided to get take – out rather than sit being scrutinized at his favorite… Read more »