
In James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the novel’s protagonist Stephen Dedalus is listening to an argument his father and aunt Dante are having with a Mr. Casey about the place of the clergy in Irish society. The talk was prompted by the scandal surrounding Charles Stuart Parnell, an Irish… Read more »


Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will return to the Vatican today to live in a small retrofitted convent. The move comes just two months since his resignation. Benedict will return just as he left the Vatican on Feb. 28, and will travel by helicopter. It has still not been confirmed as to whether Pope Francis will… Read more »


Two Popes in the same frame is a sight that has never been seen before and is unlikely to be repeated again. Just ten days after Pope Francis was elected as the 266th Pontiff he has met with Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI. The union included lunch and a 45-minute private discussion. Pope Francis arrived by helicopter at Castel Gandolfo. According to Vatican Spokesperson… Read more »


Everyday brings a new story and a gust of fresh air regarding Pope Francis. First the Pontiff went on the bus with the Cardinals rather than take his new Sedan, then he paid his hotel bill in person just hours after being elected. If these two firsts weren’t enough Pope Francis then went walk about in Rome…. Read more »


Pope Francis is starting to throw tradition away beginning next Thursday. Instead of the usual Easter Triduum at St Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis will be heading to jail to celebrate the Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Usually this occasion sees a Pontiff wash the feet of retired priests but instead Pope Francis… Read more »


‘Forgive me father, I have sinned’ took on a whole new meaning when Pope Francis decided to hold his first audience with the Press and bless them. Though there were no questions at the meeting the Holy Father thanked the Press for their hard work and dedication to duty while covering the recent Conclave that… Read more »