
Whistleblower Edward Snowden might want to rethink his Ecuadorian refuge plan because according to leaked documents procured by our friend’s at BuzzFeed, the South American country has questionable spying practices all its own. Surprise, surprise! All while it has problems feeding its people.

The confidential documents reveal a secret program in which Ecuador’s intelligence agency, SENAIN, targets journalists and politicians and recently spent over half a million dollars on a “GSM interceptor”—which has the capability to intercept and manipulate phone calls and texts.

Hiding in Ecuador may be a tad bit hypocritical, but that’s probably of little concern to a traitor. Why not be a man and hand yourself in. If you really believe in what you have done you would face the music.

At least if coward Snowden makes it to 006 Ecuador he’ll  have a friend with that other coward. The WikiLeaks founder and sociopathic monster  who  has also been given a coward’s way out of facing rape charges.

Those Brit’s are so polite anyone else would have stormed the Embassy building. Imagine the money that leak freak and the whole fiasco is costing the British Taxpayer.

Seriously? What are the US, Brit’s and Sweden worried about? an Ecuadorian invasion?




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