
We met Judy on the roof-top penthouse of Toshi’s Living Roomat The Flatiron Hotel.
Ask a New Yorker: Where are you from?

Judy: I’m from Dublin, in Ireland.

Ask a New Yorker: Cool, Leprrechauns and Guinness. If you start missing your home you can always head out to Sunnyside, Queens, where we have lots of Irish pubs. What brings you to New York?

Judy: I’m actually here on a working visa. I only got her three days ago. I’m not really sure what I’m going to do here. I’m looking for a job.

Ask a New Yorker: How did your parents meet?

Judy: Oh my God, what a random question! They have actually been together since they’re fifteen. They’re about fifty-four now. They met when they were at school.

Ask a New Yorker: You’re not your typical-looking Irish girl. You’re considered Black Irish. ‘Modern traditionalists, however, maintain the term to be synonymous with a dark-haired phenotype exhibited by certain individuals originally descended from Ireland’.

Judy: I have no idea where I got the dark hair from. Nobody in my family has red hair. I think it’s like one in a million that actually have red hair.

Ask a New Yorker: What do you think of the city so far?

Judy: I love it. I was not very happy with the rain at the start. But it got a bit nicer now. I was here several years ago in Montauk for a few months where it was really, really sunny. I kind of like the beach a little bit better. I haven’t really got to know the city, so….

Ask a New Yorker: What were you doing in Montauk?

Judy: I worked in a surf shop and an ice cream parlor and we would hang out at The Surf Lodge.

AANY Side note: I love the Shagwong. Years ago, I met a guy at the bar and mentioned that The Rolling Stones stayed down the street at the Memory Motel, where they wrote the same song. The guy just so happened to be the guy who invited The Stones to Montauk. His name was Peter Beard.

Ask a New Yorker: Have you ever been interviewed before?

Judy: No, I’m not very good to at thinking on the spot.

Ask a New Yorker: You’re doing great. What part of the city do you live in?

Judy: Upper East Side. I’m living with my friend and her boyfriend. So I’m the third wheel. Their bed is beside my bed. We have to get a little shutter to put in-between in case I wake up to anything I don’t want to see.

Ask a New Yorker: How did you get invited to this party?

Judy: Very randomly. My friend Angus is working for a party organizer whose boss’s wife organized this party.

Ask a New Yorker: Do you know any Irish jokes?

Judy: What did the sea say to the beach? Nothing, it just waved.

Ask a New Yorker: Very cute. Have you had any surfing accidents?

Judy: No, but I have a scar on my lower lip. I’ve got two brothers and no sisters. There was always a bit of horse play. We were playing cops and robbers and I had my arms tied behind my back. So I had no arms. I tried to walk and I tripped with no arms and I landed on my face and I got eight stitches.

Ask a New Yorker: Anything else you would like to share? You have great teeth.

Judy: I had braces for four years and glasses all at the same time; obviously not the cutest kid in school.

Ask a New Yorker: You turned out beautiful. Thank you and good luck finding a job!

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