
We met Janelle at Fanelli’s, on the corner of Prince and Mercer in SoHo.

AskaNewYorker: Hi Janelle! How long have you lived in New York?

Janelle: Just seven months.

AskaNewYorker: Where are you from originally?

Janelle : Charleston, South Carolina.

AskaNewYorker: What brought you to New York City?

Janelle: I finally graduated and I wanted to come up here to do something in my chosen field.

AskaNewYorker: Which is?

Janelle: It was Arts Management but now I’m doing fashion P.R.

AskaNewYorker: Two jobs? Obviously you are also waitressing here.

Janelle: Yes, I am doing an internship at Quinto Company. It’s a fashion P.R. Firm.

AskaNewYorker: What was your eighth grade gym teacher’s name?

Janelle: Oh man, ahhh, it was Mr. Gaddy. I thought he was hot, and that’s how I remembered.

AskaNewYorker: What has the romance situation been like here in New York? Dating anyone?

Janelle : No, they all suck so far. This guy screwed me over, it’s cool though, I’ll get over it.

AskaNewYorker: So, I understand you will soon be in the New York Post. What’s that about?

Janelle : Well, I worked at the TBC (to be confirmed) big trade show event. All the LA designers came and showed their collections for next fall and winter, and the P.R. firm where I worked produced the event. Actually, we did not produce it, but we are the P.R. firm behind the event. I went to an after party third day of the show. Two hundred people showed up and I got all dressed up and this chick from the Post came up and liked my outfit and took a bunch of pictures and interviewed me and said I’d be in the Post.

AskaNewYorker: We’ll keep our eyes open for it. What’s your favorite cocktail?

Janelle : Stoli vanilla and orange juice or Stoli vanilla and diet coke. The one with the orange juice tastes like a creamsicle. You know, I wasn’t allowed to have creamsicles when I was a kid because I have A.D.D. and wasn’t allowed to have sugar, but I do like them now.

AskaNewYorker: How would you describe your fashion style?

Janelle : I like to dress up, I like wierd things that no one else wears, I also wear heels every day. I have a graveyard of heels. Forty-five pairs of shoes without the nubs on the bottom because I wear them out and everyone hates me because I sound like a tap dancer, like a white trash tap dancer, the little metal spike sticks out of the heel which makes that metal-on-cement noise.

AskaNewYorker: Those are some cool earrings, where’d you get them?

Janelle : Somewhere in Chinatown.

AskaNewYorker: Do you have a motto for life in New York?

Janelle : “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” would be one motto, but it’s not my motto.

AskaNewYorker: You have great teeth, ever wear braces?

Janelle : I used to have braces, and look (opens mouth), I still have a retainer. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for buying me braces.

AskaNewYorker: What is your favorite sport to watch?

Janelle : You know what? I hate watching sports. But I had a boyfriend who used to love sports a lot, and I ended up watching football. I’m not into it unless I have a boyfriend who likes football, because I like watching him watch football. That’s the fun part, because they act like animals, all roaring and jumping around.

AskaNewYorker: Is there anything you’d like to say to anyone, regarding your Uberchic status?

Janelle : I love my mom and dad, they are my best friends. My birthday is next week, and my dad is coming up tomorrow.

AskaNewYorker: Happy Birthday! That would make you….

Janelle : ….a twenty-seven year old Aquarius.

AskaNewYorker: Why does Fanelli’s have all these boxing pictures on the wall?

A different customer of Janelle’s: The guy who owns this place, he used to be a boxer, and his family didn’t want him to box anymore, so they bought him this bar.

AskaNewYorker: Are you reading any interesting books right now?

Janelle : I’m reading Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins. Everyone has read it except for me, so I’m finally reading it. It’s good, a little wierd.

AskaNewYorker: Do you have any pets?

Janelle : I do. But it’s at my mom’s house. It’s a bird named Snowflake, a cockatiel. But I can’t have it here because my room-mate has two cats! I raised it since it was a baby, it actually sleeps with me sometimes. You think I’m wierd now? I never kept it in a cage. When it was dark, it would freak out if it couldn’t see me, so it had do sleep with me every night.

AskaNewYorker: Janelle, thanks for taking the time to talk to us, and have a very happy birthday!

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