
My former best friend, the dead organ grinder, often cavorted with his dancing monkey late into the night when we would discover the dark optimism that comes from embracing sadness.

I wish he were here now. Some solace from fractal leadership.

I think I know what he’d say:

Cast aside the “seductive tropes of modern commerce” and find thy way to the leaneth amongst you.

The balanced centricity of the flim flam kan ban execution vendors will set thy enterprise systems whirring.

Oh baby!

A veritable Chin music reverb. No recombinant existential flagellation from him.

“To thine own sententious self be true,” exhorts my friend, for all the Value Stream Mapping in the world will not get us past conventional resilience.

Come on,

bounce off the walls, parse some token resistance to these tableau-based provers for first -order logic based abductions.

Lean left. Recoil Right. 

And their eyes were watered and their spirits bespoke.

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