
I decided to start writing Big City Siren after a homeless man peed on me on my way to a comedy show in the East Village. It was then that I realized that not only am I going to die alone, but that New York is a unique city, and you have to be a certain kind of woman to live here. Where else would you see ladies running in 4-inch heels to catch a train or hear girls telling cabbies to go fuck themselves? We New York women spend our daily commutes smushed against smelly armpits that don’t belong to us. We carry our strollers up 98 subway stairs. We endure cat calls and bedbugs. We wait tables, nanny, crunch numbers, sell our souls, and work in cubicles so we can be creative and change the world. We are Big City Sirens.

Each week, I will post tips on how to survive in the Big Apple. My column will teach you how to deal with everything from the dating scene to the pigeons. Men stop rolling your eyes—“Big City Siren” is not just for women. If you play your cards right, you could use this column to get laid. So whether you are a woman who needs a laugh after running into your ex with his hot new girlfriend, or a guy who uses the pick up line “I can feel an energy around you,” this blog can save your life.


Lindsey Gentile is an actor, writer, comedienne, and all-around gal-about-town.  Every Thursday, she reports from the front lines of single life in NYC. Check out her website HERE. Need more Big City Siren?  No problem.

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