
Oh the 2012 Olympics! I’ve been glued to my couch since the opening ceremonies in awe of these athletes. From the blood, sweat, and tears, to the bulges in the pants of the men’s gymnastic teams, the Olympics are right up my alley. I admire the hard work and dedication of these unbelievable people, especially since the only reason I’ve gotten off the couch all day is to get ice cream from my freezer.

One thing in particular has caught my eye: the obvious sexual tension between swimming sportscasters Dan Hicks, and Rowdy Gaines. I love them together, and I love their little bromance! I mean, could they be any cuter?

Lindsey Gentile is an actor, writer, comedienne, and all-around gal-about-town. Every Thursday, she reports from the front lines of single life in NYC. Check out her website HERE. Need more Big City Siren? No problem.

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