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Harlem - up and coming?

Posted by Vicki 
Harlem - up and coming?
January 11, 2003 05:11PM
I hear this is the up and coming neighborhood of New York. What's it like these days?
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
January 28, 2003 10:05AM
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
February 14, 2003 01:37PM
I am an immigrant of Ohio from the Harlem area. I left Harlem in March of 2002, and at that time it was certainly changing in a lot of ways.

The brownstones are being refurbished into the beautiful dwellings they once were. Most of the abandoned buildings, store and neighborhoods are being rebuilt, with rents becoming unaffordable to the working class people who once depended on Harlem for affordable housing.

While reading everything I can about New York since I left, I can honestly believe that it certainly is becoming the meca of the city.

Vicki wrote:
> I hear this is the up and coming neighborhood of New York.
> What's it like these days?
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
February 28, 2003 08:35AM
It's is coming up. But it will be long time before it manifests the cache' of Tribeca or Soho. And that's what it can become.
Now it lack services and a night life. The new home owner are a serious drag for a cosmopolitan. They are frightened neveau goldcoast-slum types who have adopted the worst behavior of landlors since time immemorial.
Avoid living with owners at all costs.
The neighborhood is safe.
Keep food on hand or starve. Especially on holiday's.
The cauasians coming up dig the grunge on the outside and lush on the inside (see:Tribeca) And then there are enclaves of mostly caucasian inhabited buildings.
Asians are everywhere. (somthing to do with friedchicken, Jazz and outrageous land values)
Yet, harlem has a irritating 3rd world angst. Crowded streets, cronic double parking, surplus boombox SUV's, the most police traps, and soon to come, unattended train stations.
Oh well, it could be worse. I like it because you can get value for your dollar and people don't look at you as if they have something to steal and your the one who "Definitely" might steal it. In thay way Harlem is a breath of fresh air.
Mainly its about people trying to get somewhere and have somthing.
And thats a "Good thing".

Ikahn: El
Moor/ Conscious Man
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
March 01, 2003 06:12AM
hi!!! i m nikola ..my dreams is i go to usa!!!i like this countri
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
April 19, 2003 10:00AM
Up and coming to what? There's some spots that will always be staples of New York, but I still wouldn't want my wife walking down the streets there by herself (in most parts of Harlem). They also still have an inordinate amount of burned down/abandoned buildings uptown. I guess if you want to speak in relative terms, it's better than it was 10-15 years ago, but a fully commited renovation is needed there and I doubt we see it in our lives. (38 years old and counting)
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
June 12, 2003 05:28AM
too late its already hear brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Walt's Father
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
June 12, 2003 11:22AM
Walt wrote:
> Up and coming to what? There's some spots that will always
> be staples of New York, but I still wouldn't want my wife
> walking down the streets there by herself (in most parts of
> Harlem). They also still have an inordinate amount of burned
> down/abandoned buildings uptown. I guess if you want to
> speak in relative terms, it's better than it was 10-15 years
> ago, but a fully commited renovation is needed there and I
> doubt we see it in our lives. (38 years old and counting)

You damn high class fool. you have never even been to Harlem.
You're just one of those high class people who don't like minority's clogging up what they call their city. Well listen up we built this city, minority's are here to stay. We don't mess with your part of the city so dont come trying to run us out of our's!!
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
July 30, 2003 12:57PM
I'm from Harlem and lived here my whole life except the college years. I am appaled at the housing prices for owning and renting in Harlem in 2003. They just built a new co-op on 145th and Edgecombe. Do you know the cheapest thre bedrooms in that place are $300,000 and up. You have to be a foreigner/fool (domestic or international) to pay that for that neighborhood. The people that made Harlem the "Harlem of Fear" are still here. One other thing people fail to realize is that there is nowhere else for the "unwanted people" of Harlem to go at this point. NYC is busting at the seams as far as housing is concerned. There aren't even any abandon building in the Bronx let alone Harlem anymore. I saw one brownstone in extremely poor condition selling for $600,000.
Besides Harlem is no place to raise kids. After you pay $600,000 for you brownstone where are you going to let your kids play on the streets of the people you feared so much five years ago NO! I guess your going to send your kids to school with the other neighborhood trouble NO! I am waitng for one of these white people in five years to realize moving to Harlem was a bad idea nad the decide to sell their house for half of what the paid for so they can escape to New Jersey where it's safe!
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
April 28, 2005 09:40PM
I was told by a white real estate agent that Harlem was great.She said you get more for your money than in lower Manhattan. I am moving to Harlem or anywhere close in July and my credit is not all that-it's not horrible but how will I find desent housing? I make good money and am paying over $1600 now? I am black and have a daughter, help.
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
April 28, 2005 09:47PM
I was told by a white real estate agent that Harlem was great.She said you get more for your money than in lower Manhattan. I am moving to Harlem or anywhere close in July and my credit is not all that-it's not horrible but how will I find desent housing? I make good money and am paying over $1600 now? I am black and have a daughter, help.
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
August 30, 2006 02:53PM
It is funny, people who have only bad things to say about the area come from hear say. Maybe if you would step out your secure doors and venture to a place as oppose to making comments on what you read and EDUCATE yourself it my be better.

I moved to here 2001 around 100 street (now in the process of trying to be renamed yorkville or carnige hill)

The area has changed so much that now in my area you have so many whites and gays moving in that the property value is rising. You have A fusion for french asian resturants, italian resturants and health food places.

My partner and I just bought a building (townhouse) on east 100 street and paid 1.5 million for it, 3 floors and only 16 feet wide. We had great lawyers and Architects and are very familiar with real estate so it was still a fight to get this price.

We also own a beautiful recreational home in Queens. Now we looked everywhere to buy a townhouse and could have bought in any where of the city. But, we fell in love with the area 100 street and Lex that we could not turn away, and now we are negoiting to buy another building.

I agree that yes there are areas in harlem that are unsafe, but in my opinion not, to the point of death or robery or rape. Infact in any city you have areas that you should not go.

From my experience their are areas in the cities central, and lower manhattan that I would say is even more unsafe than some other areas in New York. Plus Harlem is probably bigger than some of you major cities.

So before anyone passes any comment about any area - I suggest you get out of your house and venture there.

Make some sense - because when you are uneducated then you run the risk of being beyond ignorant.


Re: Harlem - up and coming?
March 05, 2007 10:54PM
Well, I'm very optimistic about Harlem. I think most reasonable people can tell the difference between a hat turned sideways and a ganster. I'm white and nerdy and I feel safe. So does my 5 foot girlfriend. We spent the entire day yesterday looking at places in the the $2000 range in the UWS and UES. Some were livable, but none were more than 500sqft. Finally, we found a HUGE place just above the park (Hardly in Harlem) in a prewar with exposed brick, 4.5 rooms + eat-in kitchen, all together 1000sqft! And in our price range! We took it immediately. I have to believe you could never find a place like this except in Harlem. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
March 15, 2009 02:56PM
Hello there, so my partner and I are trying to take advantage of the real state market. We saw a building on 119th and third and let me tell u: is a dream come true! Our concern is, what about the outside of it? We took the subway from union square to 125 and it was 15 minutes ride. The problem was when we walked out the station. We looked at each other and questioned ourselfs: Would I feel save walking at night? If our parents come to visit, r they gonna trapped in the apartment during work hours? If is up and comming we would like to know if we buy now,are we gonna be avail to resaleand make money out of it? Or we will loose money? Please advise
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
July 13, 2009 09:24PM
Please advise. Is Harlem areas of 125 & Lexington safe or Manhattan Ave? I mean safe for a female to live in a 1 bedroom by herself?
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
August 10, 2009 05:09PM
The east side of Harlem 114th Street through 124th is an up and coming area -- in fact lots of the luxury expensive high rise condos that were being built there are going rental for a few years until the real estate market comes back so you get to rent a phenomenal building with washer dryers in each apartment, granite and fabulous gyms and doormen for low rents while they sit out the mortgage stuff of this year. Not a bad deal if you're living in the building when it goes condo either, like the building at 119th & Third because then I think that they offer the tenants insider condo prices ... that's how lots of people made some big bucks in the 80s & 90s. I looked at the apartments at 119th & Third and the views and amenities were fabulous ... and the closets and roof terrace. Very cool and since it's down the block from the police station and right on Third Ave -- it's very safe in my opinion. Don't let 'em know East Harlem -- they did that to Soho, to Chelsea, to the West Side and to the Village -- every up and coming neighborhood gets a bad rap ... but it's always the place to invest and to live .... Besides, the little restaurants locally are great. Worked there for many years and I'm a petite redheaded Irish woman -- no one ever hassled me - not once!
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
July 16, 2010 10:01AM
Let me just say this i am a true hispanic born and raise.. and i wouldnt not want to live with all you minorities its not a high class or low class thing... i hate how you all give us mexicans, puerto ricans, etc a bad name because of exactly this acting inferior and using the fact that you are a minority as an excuse to bahave badly and make other fear you just to feel some kind of self worth.
Pathetic i dont like being associated with you all and I am a minority as well and i am proud to be mexican but that doesn´t mean i have to act like an ignorant uneducated fool.
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
July 09, 2011 03:28PM
Amen! I have lived in Harlem all of my life and I have to put up with my own people saying nasty things to me when I walk down the street. Ladies, stop being punk cowards sending your children to start trouble. And stop trying to walk through me. I am not invisible and if its trouble you want go take it some place else. New people, what makes you think we should cater to you and move out of OUR neighborhood? I have a friend who has a saying which holds true: If you don't like what you see around here maybe you should go someplace else. Be thankful you can see at all. I refuse to be pushed any further. Your stank behavior is what creates problems for us all.
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
July 09, 2011 03:35PM
The plan is as follows: Increase the rents to the point where blacks and Puerto Ricans, etc. are forced to move out. So many times I've stood in the elevator of my building where i have lived all of my life while the newer tenants spoke openly about how they cannot wait until we are all gone. When someone moves out they all come downstairs, smiling and laughing. I have never in my life laughed at anyone who was evicted or forced to move out of their home. The majority of these folks are also Atheists. They want more bars in the neighborhood and less churches. Our elderly are being terrorized literally buy maitenance staff, management as well as unknown people who come into the neighborhood to try scaring us away. I feel it is time for action. By whatever means necessary. I love Harlem and I love my people and I am sick and tired of being treated like one of the new people when I have been here longer than most. The only difference is I am not some scared little girl. Their hatred fuels my fire. It is time for some action. NOW! <3
Re: Harlem - up and coming?
September 13, 2011 11:37PM
I'm a white kid from the suburbs and have been living in the West 150's for about a year now. Only time I had any semblance of a problem was when I walked a little too close to this gangsta looking dude. I think I just spooked him a little and he got defensive. Other than that it’s not bad. Some crazy Spanish music at night, once in a while some kids ring my buzzer at like 1am (which does piss me off if I have to be up early), and there is a lot of loud-ass bass from cars in the street. But it’s all part of city living. Quieter than mid-town.

So, even up at 150, it’s safe (even walking home at alone late at night). The only thing that sucks is that there is little to do socially without taking a 15-40 minute subway ride. There are plenty of food stores and little restaurants, all very Dominican. I love the cultural mix just wish there were a few more bars for 20 somethings.

Gentrification is certainly taking place, with us on the frontier. Give it 10 more years…
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