Ask a New York Dog

Posted by askanewyorker 
Ask a New York Dog
October 19, 2010 04:59PM
Hi my name is Blanca,
I'm a West Highland White Terrier. I know, I know so original. Chalk one up to my humans who apparently took a few years of French in high school....excuse me dinner time is being served...I'll be back....

Finally a forum for mans best freindwinking smiley

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2013 06:50AM by askanewyorker.
Miss Lola
Re: Ask a New York dog
October 19, 2010 08:36PM
Hi Blanca,

I'm a scrawny, cranky New York kitty who wishes her human would turn off the computer and get me some treats. Do you have the same problem with your human?

Well, I hope you enjoyed your dinner.

Mr Wonderful
Re: Ask a New York dog
October 20, 2010 01:04AM
Hi Blanca and Miss Lola, nice to meet you. I'm a beloved lab of a lovely (young) woman who wishes she was a New Yorker. She keeps leaving me to visit your city, thankfully I have other carers. At least your human is with you Miss Lola- any advice on my predicament?
Re: Ask a New York dog
October 20, 2010 06:44AM
Miss Loya,technology...Ugh. Know the feeling. Curses to the laptop.

Mr. Wonderful I hear your pain. There is a Chocolate lab,Spud,here on Bliss Street in Sunnyside, Queens where I live, who I hang with. Regarding your human's travel let's turn it into a positive. As they say absence makes the heart grow fonder. She misses you as much as you miss her. A little down time can be a good thing. Just make sure she brings you back some cool stuff from the city. We have the best boutiques.I'll give you some of my faves a bit later.

Back to business and by the way thanks Mr Wonderful and Miss Lola for jumping in, It's about time a dog has a voice and a place to share. I've got the Today show on in the background. Jeez, Anita Hill gets a call from Virginia Thomas...oh lord.

So here's the skinny, oops, not quite yet the red leash, morning walk time. I've got a private yard in the back. Get this my human loves to garden and salvaged a piece of garbage-laden land that runs behind our co-op and turned it into a very cool garden.We also go to the communal run down the street. Anyways love to hear where you guys hang, favorite walks, best eats, you know cool stuff.
Mr Wonderful
Re: Ask a New York dog
October 20, 2010 07:23AM
Blanca, I love the sound of your communal dog run. I've heard my humans talk about them as they go and watch them when they're in NYC- I have a park at the bottom of my street where I have a Westie friend called Andy. He's only 2 though so a bit boisterous for an old man like me- he fights with my nephew Melvin, they're silly boys.
I got a great gift from my humans last visit- a Halloween Buddy that squeaks. At least I think it squeaks, I'm a little deaf now.

Have you been with your humans long? Have you got them trained yet?
Re: Ask a New York dog
October 20, 2010 12:50PM
Cest moi.smiling smiley


I've been with my humans for 7 years. Thye got me as a puppy. So what does that make me in dog years? Yes, their about as trained as possible. It seems like I'm always on the run. Off to the dog spa for my Fall trim. What a life!


Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 10/21/2010 05:37AM by askanewyorker.
Mr Wonderful
Re: Ask a New York dog
October 21, 2010 06:37AM
Looking good Blanca! If only my stupid human knew how to put a pic here and could show me ( my computer skills are limited but then I am almost 98 in human years). Hope you enjoyed your spa treatment. My nephew has those as he's a hairy creature and needs to be kept in check. Us Labradors have no need of such pampering but I get plenty of snuggles from my Mrs --- when she's not flitting to NYC.....
Re: Ask a New York dog
October 21, 2010 08:23AM
How are your hips doing? I know your brothers and sisters are susceptible to hip problems. Here's a good invention some humans came up with.

A New Set of Wheels Can Improve a Dog's Life, Too
Advances in Wheelchairs for Hobbled Pets Help Bring Home Bacon, a Pot-Bellied pigs

—Dogs and sheep and chickens are going around on wheels; cats not so much. Since people consider pets part of the family, they are ever more willing to spend money making life more pleasant for those laid up with injuries and illnesses.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2010 07:31AM by askanewyorker.
Mr Wonderful
Re: Ask a New York dog
October 21, 2010 09:41AM
My hips are just fine thanks. Labs do have a big problem with hips apparently but fortunately my humans have been lucky (Im their third Lab) and will be 14 in March. They look after my joints and give me a great daily treat ( that keeps me supple. I had a stroke last year but am doing well considering. Have you seen these.....[]. My humans saw a Westie in one recently when they were in your country.
Miss Lola
Re: Ask a New York dog
October 21, 2010 04:47PM
Shhhhh...don't tell anyone I said so, but Blanca is beautiful. I don't want anyone to think I've gone all soft inside, you know, complimenting dogs. And I'd like to cuddle with Mr. Wonderful, but keep that under your hat too.
Mr Wonderful
Re: Ask a New York dog
October 22, 2010 01:08AM
Miss Lola- your name gives me the impression that you're a very soft cuddly kittie and yet you say you're cranky? Surely not.

As for HP, well, it sounds like the poor boy might be scarred mentally as well as physically! Kudos to Miss M for showing him what's what- and telling him what's not ;-). Terriers eh, not as laid back as some of us hounds.

I spent a lovely day in my garden recently when a hedgehog wandered across my path. Now I could care less, but my nephew( the hairy one) was peeved so he pounced. Ha, stupid boy! That hedgehog showed him who was boss and Melvins nose looked like a pincushion quite quickly. You'd think he would have learnt from that but oh no, he had another go anday or so later. Wish he'd learn to just chill....
Miss Lola
Re: Ask a New York dog
October 22, 2010 08:51PM
Show these little videos to Melvin. He'll either fall in love or freak out. Personally, I would eat the little bugger, but my Mom thinks they're as cute as can be. Go figure!



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