
A couple of years ago, someone asked me why I moved to New York.  I was a little surprised by the question. The answer seems obvious. I simply said, “When you’re the best at what you do, this is where you come.”

cirque 1

Without question, New York City has the best of everything.   Every day, I am ceaselessly astonished as I converge with the confluence of people rushing through the streets as we turn the wheels of this colossal machine.  There is the exhilaration of the towers rising into the sky and inspiring the sight of every uplifting eye.  And rounding every turn, I am accustomed to encountering the astounding.  New York is the city of serendipity.  Every moment is a spectacular discovery.

Once again, yesterday, New York did not let me down.  In front of the main library branch at 42nd Street, I witnessed what has to be the most extraordinary book club in the world.  These people were doing back flips over books, literally.

I did a little inquiry and found that the members of this book club were also performers for the Cirque Eloize.  They were filming a promotional video for an upcoming performance.  Needless to say, I highly recommend the show, both as it will be performed at the NYU Skirball December 18 through January 5 and the ongoing performance every day at every corner in New York City.

Cirque Eloize website

NYU performance information


Garrett Buhl Robinson is a poet and novelist.

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